Find your way back to the life you were meant to live in wholeness and joy before abortion enveloped you in shame and pain


And How to Heal From Them

Are you struggling with the emotional weight of abortion?

This new book written just for you is a powerful combination of scripture-based wisdom and confirming affirmations to help equip you with insight, tools, and confidence needed to move forward, heal from your abortion(s), and step into God's will for your life...

...your wholly abundant life. 


It’s time to be completely healed.

At the time, abortion seemed like the best and only option for you or someone you know. Since that time, you have attended numerous Bible studies specifically to find healing from abortion; yet there remains a weight that hasn't been lifted.

You are unable to say the word abortion without feeling overwhelmed with emotion, buried in shame, and not able to share your story with others for fear of judgment. 

There is hope for you, and good news! You life is about to change!

Join us for six weeks beginning July 18th for:

Find Freedom in Your Story--Finally Free from the Fangs and Pangs of Abortion

HERE you definitely can:

  • Find freedom from your past
  • Start living the life you are meant to live
  • Live in the freedom and grace that has felt unattainable until now.
  • And more!

It's time to stop living in the dark silence, holding on to your secret, and to start living in unscripted joy, and loving the life God has destined for you. 


It’s never too late to seek healing.

Download the UNTOLD SECRETS free book today to get on the path toward a joy-filled life.


  • Find Freedom 
  • Shed Shame
  • Experience True Forgiveness
  • Discover the Truth About God’s Love and Grace
  • Live in Joy--Healed and Whole  

Discover what it is like to be completely healed from your past so that you may finally enjoy life! It's possible!! And I'll show you how.