You don't have

to go through

this alone.

Being completely healed is closer than you think and I am here to guide you.

I want nothing more than to see you healed, whole, and living out the abundant life God has waiting for you. When you work with me to write your story, the recovery process is much simpler than you might think.


I Can Help You Find Freedom From:

Wondering why your life isn't working.

Fear of what people may think when they find out.

Burying the feelings down deep inside.

Wondering if God has forgiven you.

Experiencing flashbacks or nightmares.

Loneliness and isolation.

Forming healthy relationships.

I’m here to help. There is no shame in seeking assistance as you work through this difficult time. I provide unbiased support and guidance as you move forward and heal after your abortion(s).

Get Help Now!

Here’s How It Works


Finding Freedom in Your Story


Finding Freedom in Your Story is designed to help you understand what keeps you stuck so that you can move forward with forgiveness, confidence, and hope. We’ll explore the events surrounding your decision and relate them to what was going on inside of you. This will help you see how your story fits into a much larger picture of real love, grace, and redemption.

By understanding how shame, fear, and pain have impacted your life and by recognizing the deceptive lies you’ve believed as a result, you can begin to see yourself through new eyes. Eyes of hope, possibility, and great expectations. You were never meant to live in shame, isolation, or despair; those are all lies from the enemy meant to keep you from experiencing all that God has in store for you.

There is so much more waiting for you on the other side of this journey. But first, we have to become willing to face our past head-on so that we can write a new story—one filled with hope, courage, and strength. One that points others toward healing and wholeness.

 Let’s get started

Your free Strategy Call is the perfect place to start. During our time together, I'll share some additional insights about healing from abortion that can help get you started on this important journey.

What to Expect ON the Call

This is a 45-minute free strategy session and we'll talk about:

Your dreams for your life.

The obstacles that seem to be standing in your way.

What you’d like to see in terms of progress in the next six weeks.

The cost of doing nothing.