5 Things Every Christian Woman Must Know About Post-Abortion Recovery


It’s been a few weeks, months, or even years since your abortion. You may have told a few people or maybe you’ve kept it hidden deep inside. Regardless, you know the abortion happened and you can’t stop thinking about it. The what-ifs and if-onlys play on repeat in your head. You feel shame, worthlessness, and hopelessness. You may believe that God has abandoned you because of what you’ve done. You may not even consider yourself a Christian anymore. If any of this describes how you are feeling, please read on for five things every Christian woman needs to know about post-abortion recovery. 

It’s possible no matter how old you are.

There is hope for healing no matter how many years it’s been since your abortion happened. I once worked with a woman in her seventies who had an abortion in her twenties. She thought she had come to terms with what happened, but when her first grandchild was born, all the emotions came flooding back. It was as if it had happened yesterday. If you are ready to face the emotions and work through the healing process, it is never too late. 

God is waiting and wanting to heal you.

One of the misconceptions about post-abortion healing is that we need to earn God’s forgiveness. That could not be further from the truth! Jesus died on the cross to forgive us of our sins--including abortions. He wants to heal the hurt we are carrying around but we need to be willing to hand it over to him. 

Your past is the key to your future.

In order for us to move forward, we often need to deal with our past first. Unresolved issues from our past can impact every area of our lives including our relationships, job performance, and mental and physical health. As women who have experienced an abortion, we may have been exposed to abuse, neglect, or trauma. We may struggle with feelings of worthlessness or abandonment. We need to address these issues so they don’t continue to have a negative impact on our lives going forward. 

Writing is healing.

Writing can be a powerful tool in post-abortion recovery. It can help us process our thoughts and feelings related to the abortion experience as well as identify any areas we still need to work through. Writing also allows us to track our progress as we walk through this journey of healing. In the midst of all the pain and grief, writing can offer a way to make sense of what has happened and begin to move forward. If you're struggling after an abortion, consider using writing as a tool to help you on your healing journey. 

There is a surprise element waiting for you. 

One of the best things about starting the post-abortion recovery process is that there is always a surprise element waiting for you. As you begin to heal, you will start to see things in a new light and notice all of the good things in your life that were there all along. We also develop greater compassion for others who are struggling with similar issues. And last but not least, we learn that God never left us; he was with us through it all! 


I know it feels like the pain will never go away, but it will with time and God's help. He wants to heal your heart and make you whole again. I just completed writing a short book for you.  Click here for your free copy today!






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